5 Differences Between Accommodation and Accessibility
A wedding was planned in a Washington, D.C., area park for 40 of the couple’s closest family and friends. But unfortunately, one guest arrived at the park only to find out he could not make it to the ceremony site because there were no wheelchair ramps. Instead of attending the wedding, the man went home. … Continued

Six Outdoor Play Activities for Kids of All Abilities
Many parents are eager to get their kids outside after spending the day at school, daycare or in physical therapy. But when Mom and Dad are in charge of planning the agenda all day, every day, things can get a little hectic. This is particularly true for parents of kids with special needs. It may … Continued

Teaching Your Child About Disabilities and Different Abilities
5 Tips to Raise More Inclusive Kids You may have said or done something in front of your child thinking they did not notice – until they copied it. Young children soak up the actions, words and ideas of people around them like sponges. Other times, they blurt out bold questions unexpectedly, such as: “Mom! … Continued

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers and Children
Family trips are a great way to bond and create lifelong memories with your children. But some days, just going to the grocery store without a temper tantrum or unexpected potty break can feel like “Mission: Impossible.” If the thought of traveling with your kids is too stressful, you may avoid it entirely – but … Continued

How to Encourage a Child to LOVE Reading
Are you about ready to buy earplugs if you have to sit through another episode of “Sesame Street” or “Puppy Dog Pals?” We all let our little ones indulge in some TV time. Perhaps as a result of unfavorable weather conditions that prevent outside play, or the need for a few uninterrupted minutes to send … Continued

10 Encouraging Affirmations for Parents
It is easy for parents to feel burned out from time to time. For parents of children with special needs, this is particularly true. Watching your child encounter obstacles of any kind can be emotionally draining – whether it be well-meaning adults who make a thoughtless comment, or a playground without any accessible equipment for … Continued