Unlimited Play – Universally Accessible Playgrounds

About Hamilton County Inclusive Playground

Aurora’s first universally accessible playground will create an inclusive place in Hamilton County for intergenerational play where children and people of all ages and of all ability levels, can explore, engage, learn and have fun side-by-side.

This playground will celebrate the everyday heroes that make communities thrive. From the hardworking farmers who feed us, to the dedicated teachers who shape us, to the brave firefighters who keep us safe – this playground is a tribute to their invaluable contributions and will empower all children to dream big!

Visit Hamilton County Inclusive Playground’s Facebook page here to follow their progress and stay up to date with fundraisers and events!


Meet Aven

“Our daughter Aven, who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, is why we are so passionate about building an inclusive playground in Hamilton County. Cerebral Palsy is essentially a group of lifelong disorders that affect movement, muscle tone, balance, and posture. Aven currently uses different types of equipment including wearing ankle-foot orthosis (AFOs) and using a stander, gait trainer, and power wheelchair to meet her mobility needs. This means when our family goes places (like playgrounds), we have to think about things that many people don’t. Are there any swings she could use because her core muscles are much weaker than other kids her age? What equipment can she play on/with and feel a sense of independence, because like other 3 year olds she wants to do things by herself? Can she use her mobility equipment there to help her be more independent, or will we have to carry her around from Point A to Point B? And the list goes on.

When we went to inclusive playgrounds on family vacations, it literally brought tears to this mom’s eyes seeing her be able to play and experience the world like other kids. Her world and experiences have been different from the moment she was born, but inclusive playgrounds give her the opportunity to just be a kid. Even though inclusivity and accessibility should be the norm, so many things about our world are still neither accessible nor inclusive. Aven is just like any other kid in so many ways and having an inclusive playground in our community will give her more opportunities to go somewhere and play just like other kids. An inclusive playground also will provide a space where kids and families learn to embrace each others’ differences. It will be a place for ALL kids and families to play and grow together, not just those with differences and disabilities. We just feel so lucky that we get to be a part of this process bringing more inclusivity into Hamilton County!”

Meet Creed

“Creed is 4 years old and was born with Down syndrome. When Creed was born, a concern for us was if he was going to be included, accepted and welcomed by his peers. The answer has been overwhelming YES to all of the above! Seeing our son interact with his peers in inclusive environments has shown us how important inclusion is for both typical children and those with disabilities. To have an inclusive playground in our community will provide a safe place for my son and his fellow friends with varying disabilities to learn, grow and share experiences with their typical peers. My son doesn’t speak, but when I see him being able to utilize each piece of equipment and have the freedom to explore independently in a safe and secured inclusive playground, you don’t need words to see the immense happiness this independence brings to him. We will continue to shout the worth of those with disabilities and the importance inclusion brings to our world; A great place to start, is on the playground.”

Explore The Playground

We invite you to view the playground gallery below. Catalog coming soon!

Click here to view a 3D fly-through of the design plans.