Unlimited Play

The Vision

Jake was like so many other little boys who dreamed of growing up playing sports! At an early age, though, he was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The disease weakened his muscles but not his spirit. Knowing he would never play like his sports heroes, Jake became the greatest sports fan, cheering for all who played the games he could not. He wanted all kids to be able to experience and have the thrill of being a player. This playground will help so many kids share Jake’s dream – no matter what their ability- to enjoy the thrill of being on the field as a player side-by-side with their peers. Jake passed away in 2012 at the age of 19, but he gave us many gifts. The greatest gift of all is his powerful spirit to love and support others! This playground is dedicated to the kids to share in that spirit.

Featured Inclusive Equipment

  • Swing
  • Jungle Gym
  • Slide
  • Trampoline
  • Tunnel